Monday, November 23, 2009

Grateful for 'V'illage

Monday, November 23, 2009


V is for village

Remember this crew? Neighbors and friends who we see and depend on regularly and then choose to vacation with!

I am so grateful for this group of friends. We're like one big compound family. Among the great friendships developed, we dig in and help each other with the most basic of chores (TJ run, need anything? Popping into Costco, want some eggs, avocado and bananas?). We bend each other's ears when it comes to the tough parenting challenges. We are the second, or third eye to a necessary room re-do. And even have a blossoming babysitter swap in play.

This group knows each other so well, its not a conversation in hypotheticals. They know my kids quirks and gifts and how to deal with them. I feel as close to them as family and am immensly grateful we landed here.

We got lucky with this group and we feel so blessed to be a part of this village.


Unknown said...

Nicely done with V. I was worried it would have to be either Vitas or violin. Glad our village is something you are grateful for. I am too!

Adrienne Hedger said...

Who is that freakishly huge guy in the middle?? Geez.