Saturday, November 21, 2009

Grateful for 'U'niqueness

Saturday, November 21, 2009


U is for uniqueness

Aren't we lucky God made us special and different?
Different strokes for different folks.
It takes all types to make the world go round.
I am grateful that we can celebrate that freely and appreciation all of our unique gifts.


Adrienne Hedger said...

I'm thankful that I'm friends with a family goofy enough to take this picture.

Unknown said...

Understnding. I have a friend who's name rhyms with Farah Dorkland, she always seem's to understand. Whenever I have a situtaion and I want to vent she is the one who ALWAYS understands, get's where I'm coming from. ( She also understands my humor and sacrasim.) So I'm am grateful for my friend who understands me. I'm mean really in this world don't we just want to uderstood.

Unknown said...

Opps she also understands my bad typo's.