Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Meet Crosby [And I Am Not A Cat Person]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
So following my to-do list confessional I see it only completely and perfectly juxtaposed to introduce......

2010-April 032

Crosby, the kitten
(I think we have complete consensus on the name but Presley is a close second.)

Compared to my thorough review of homeschooling curriculum (I swear I feel like I'm in a graduate program) this feels so impulsive. But really, anything that involves pulling a trigger at this point would feel impulsive.

We have a cat, Maggie Mae, and our dear sweet Labrador, Liz, both in the twilight of their lives. We've considered another pup but I can't manage that right now (I still have a pup--his name is Parker!). So we ended up rescuing this sweet little guy this afternoon.

2010-April 038

The story is simple. He stole my heart. We were heading out to do some field research (I'm not kidding). I thought this adoption thing might be a good activity for Dad while he's wrangling the kiddos this weekend (Mom is getting out of dodge!). I wanted to get some info under our belts, review it with the husband and then get set up before bringing him/her home. You know, a methodical, intentional plan.

But some plans are made to be broken. He pranced over to me, in a rather regal fashion (albeit juvenile) and snuggled in to greet me. You must know I am a dog person. I don't prefer cats. But he's so purrrrre and affectionate....

The thing about cats is you don't really know what their temperament will be. I sense a loving cuddler and the foster care giver assured me he is a masterful snuggler (preferring the armpit or neck cranny). Personally, I think that's what cats should be. Otherwise, why are we cohabitating?!

Anyway, we'll see how he progresses. Hopefully since he's a wee one, just turning eight weeks this Saturday, we can love him into staying a cuddler. If nothing else, he'll be loved, as evidenced by this sweet initation into our family.

2010-April 036
Truth be told, the husband is more of a feline lover than I. He tipped the balance in favor of a cat. (I just want the record to reflect that for some reason.)

2010-April 034
Christopher has already made fast friends with our little buddle of fur. He made the most perfectly cozy bed for him. Snug as a bug in a rug.

Anna is a nervous mother hen who can't get enough. Crosby (Or Presley) much preferred sleeping in her pit than a harsh cardboard travel box. He had her at hello.

photo 2
Oh sweet little P. He is quite intrigued by the kitten as well but can barely get a moment with him due to the aforementioned monitoring of his sister. I will say, there has been some obvious coaching that comes with a three year old learning the fragility of a kitten, but he was the first to get a good purrrrrr of out him (at least to my knowledge). He has a tender touch and this might be just the thing to really let that shine (Yes, I dare to dream!).


Anonymous said...

aww i must admit i am definitely more a dog person but this cat looks adorable!

Unknown said...

how can you not be a cat person. they are awesome! this one's a cutie and he'll be great-he looks like a typical loving and sweet Tuxedo.

erin said...

we have been contemplating adding a pet into our life a lot lately, as in we talk about it all the time every day. dog, cat, cat, dog? big, small? all very confusing. in the end my mom (avid animal lover) looked at me a few weeks back, matter of factly, and said 'both. get both as babies at the same time so they grow up together'. so yikes, that's where we are at... possible getting a kitten and a puppy! crazy right?

Anonymous said...

aawww...he's ADORABLE! we have a cat, Jag, almost 9 years old, black and white and he's our 1st baby! He's taken a back seat since the kids have been born but he is the 5th member of our family. Can't wait to hear what name you decide, both are cute!
Renee King

Emily's Natural Solutions said...
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Emily's Natural Solutions said...

such an adorable kitten! great pics too <3 :)