Monday, August 2, 2010

Blogger Help

Monday, August 2, 2010
I've gone and messed up my pretty (IMO) blog template and now I need some help. I've been hesitating to point it out in the hopes I'd hear back from Elli but no avail and I must reveal. I tried to change out my picture on the right corner of my header but ran into a snag. Now, my picture isn't sized right and my feeble, non techy fumbling around has left me high and dry.

I use Blogger. If you have wisdom on how to adjust said picture (replace and/or resize), please help.

Update: Thank you for the emails and offers to help. My sister got it fixed for me. I'm clearly not a techy.


Jennifer Wakefield said...

What size do you want it? How are you trying to load it?

Elizabeth said...

Hey Sarah!

I'm sure it's an easy fix and I'd be happy to help. Feel free to give me a call and we can chat about it.

~ Beth

Anonymous said...

love love love that photo.