Sunday, September 20, 2009

Little Birdie Party

Sunday, September 20, 2009


One of our dear friends celebrated turning two with an intimate gathering of close peeps at her nest. We were delighted with all the birdie details.

Mom, Krista, put a lot of thought into the sweet birdie theme and called upon her very talented sister to help with a few special details. (Trust me when I tell we are all lucky that Rachel set up shop and has allowed 'outsiders' to also experience and own her treasured pieces.)

Come with me. Let's take a bird's eye view of this sweet celebration among friends...


Seriously cute set up. Take in all the details. The wool nest with eggs, the hanging nest outside, the gallery of birthday wishes from sisters, the hanging bird, and my most favorite of all....the happy birthday wool banner in the window. Can't order my own fast enough.


Birdseed treats...for the birdies, of course.


The birthday girl with the most fantastic and fabulous wool felt hat. (Ordering one of these too.)


Who doesn't love a bird cookie?


And finally, the sweetest favors. Individual birdies in their nest. All labeled with their nicknames.

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