Monday, June 1, 2009


Monday, June 1, 2009


Our sweet and faithful lab was certainly our MVP. Some may say she's in the twilight of her life. (I refuse to go there. I prefer to think she'll be my faithful companion forever.) Either way we figured this trip was the perfect adventure for her to join us.


She swam in the river--in spite of the rapids. She napped at camp. She endured special 'grooming' ala Parker.


And she became quite the favorite on our bike ride through Zion. She rode in the lap--er, chariot--of luxury (also known as a bike trailer for kiddos).


She never complained. She never stopped trying to participate. And if you look closely, you can see a smile on her face. I'm telling you here and now...I could take a page out of her play book. What a trooper.

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