Monday, April 20, 2009

Thank God for Annoying Car Alarms

Monday, April 20, 2009

Here's the scene: Peaceful Monday evening. Husband is putting the final child to bed. I am sitting down to the computer for a much needed reunion when I hear an annoying car alarm that repeatedly goes on and off. Strangely, it sounds rather close. I peak out the balcony and it is in fact our car. Oh, and there was a strange smell accompanying it...

I get the husband, we run down to the scene. After struggling to get into the car (the fob wouldn't work), he pops the hood to discover a fire in our engine. We scramble to access our extinguishers. After fumbling with the trigger and letting panic completely own us (Did I mention the car was in our driveway, right under my son's bedroom?!) the husband attempted to put the mystery fire out. I proceed to call for back up since after one extinguisher the engine is still blazin'.

The fire engines arrive. The neighbors congregate. The fire is out.

Here's the pickle....The car had been sitting in our driveway for three hours. It ignited on it's own with no obvious reason. We are scouring the chat boards and think it was a random alternator fire. No big deal (hopefully).

We are so thankful. What could have happened while we slept....Didn't. And we are especially grateful for annoying car alarms tonight.

For the immediate time being it looks like I will have an extra passenger in my taxi. It's a small inconvenience really.

Photo credit: sweaty photos


Jennifer Wakefield said...

CRAZY!!! Thank God you guys use your garage for um "storage"!

Anonymous said...

Praise God!

Kim - The TomKat Studio said...

How scary! I'm glad everyone is okay! Our neighbors house burnt down last year when something in the garbage can combusted. It was terribly sad. One of my worst fears...

Unknown said...

Yikes !! I don't beleive it! Glad everyone is o.k. and you paid attention to the alram in the first place.

vicki said...

That's crazy scary! I'm so very happy that everyone is OK.

Sarah's Fab Day said...

I'm so glad that you guys are alright! Thankfully major disaster averted.

{Ok super weird coincidence, my word verification for this comment is WATER.}