Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sometimes it's hard

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parenting isn't easy.

I've certainly been on a parenting/kid kick lately with the posts but that's where most of my energy is devoted these days. Right about now I am giving myself the pep talk that tough love is important and necessary--even when it "hurts me more than it hurts you". It's so much easier to let these guys run the show and give in to their whims but then I wouldn't be doing my job, right?

Anyway, this tough guy went to bed mad at me and that is no bueno. Really, it was just a long day for him and he needed to crash out but not before defying me a few too many times. He is generally such a good boy and everyone is allowed a bad day--even moms and little boys .

{Note: The toilet paper bandana is an attempt to be a kamakazi fighter while on vacation with friends. No real harm occured while capturing this moment.}

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