Monday, March 2, 2009


Monday, March 2, 2009

I love, love, love my yoga practice on Saturday mornings. A couple of weeks ago I was delighted we were rained out of our softball and baseball commitments so I could attend my weekly session (I wish I could go more but I'll take what I can get).

It's always a little hard to leave a leisurely family morning to go exercise but the reward comes in dividends. Stretching + Breathing = Feeling Good and Connected

The practice always seems to be exactly what I need at that precise moment, including the musical selection. With the market closing so low and the immediate forecast grim, I am recalling my recent practice and want to send you some positive vibes. Let's hold on, pray and stay grounded. Most of all, let's not forget to just BREATHE. We will get through all this. (Nichole, this is especially for you.)

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